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Thank you for visiting! This is where you’ll find my professional experience and skills, my philosophy of education, and classroom management style. I created this site to showcase who I am as an educator through personal beliefs and exemplary lesson plans.

I am Kendall MacLaughlin, a recent graduate from Chapman University. I graduated in May 2018 with my Bachelor of Arts in Integrated Educational Studies with minors in STEM and Disability Studies. In May 2019, I graduated with my Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction in addition to my Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. Throughout my educational journey so far, I have had various experiences that have influenced my passion for teaching, including a year-long residency of student teaching in Kindergarten and Fourth Grade. My professional goals include continuing the development of my interest in technology integration in the classroom and social emotional learning as a means for making learning accessible for all students. This will be made possible with the enthusiasm and love I bring to teaching.

  • I used to play lacrosse and volleyball

  • I love to travel

  • My favorite type of music is country

  • I don't like any citrus (lemons, oranges) or fish

  • I don't think I'd be able to live more than 30 minutes away from the beach

  • I have an older sister

  • I grew up in West Los Angeles


I believe education is a continuous process of collecting knowledge that occurs through experiences. I believe as a teacher, my role is to help facilitate the process of learning through current best practices. Using the current best practices, I will help students progress towards becoming a 21st century citizen. I will do so by determining students’ strengths and needs and supporting them through individualized instruction.

Furthermore, when envisioning myself as a role-model inside the classroom, I feel it is my responsibility to help students feel valued, encouraged, and comfortable, not only among student to student interactions, but teacher to student interactions. My ultimate goal lies within my belief that students have a symbiotic relationship to the environment, including their interactions and relationships with people, the classroom design, and the routines in place to help learning occur. Each individual in the classroom should feel welcomed to learn and participate despite any differences they might have with their peers. With this embedded-dignity, students are more apt to operate with empathy as a growing citizen in society. 

Classroom Management Plan
Professional Growth and Mastery
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